In Aggieland, it's a traditional greeting. It's second nature for me to use it now, no matter where my travels take me. I've gone across the Brazos Valley, Texas, the nation and the world telling stories and making sure people have information they need to make the best decisions for themselves, their families and their businesses. Thanks for coming to learn more about me and my award-winning work.

BlueForge Alliance
Content Marketing Lead (Since 2023)
Formed in 2022, BFA is a non-profit integrator working with the U.S. Navy to strengthen America's workforce and technology for the thousands of suppliers making up the Navy's Maritime Industrial Base.

Brazos Valley Bombers
On-Field Emcee (Since 2017)
Since 2007, the Bombers have showcased baseball players in the Texas Collegiate League, winning multiple championships and entertaining the community during the summer months.
Texas A&M Equestrian
Public Address Announcer (Since 2017)
Competing since 1999, the Aggies have won 12 national championships, the most recent in 2016-2017.
I also fill in at a wide range of other Aggie Athletics events.

Lions Pride Sports
Announcer, Producer, Editor (Since 2018)
Launched in 2017, Lions Pride Sports brings top professional wrestlers to the Brazos Valley and trains the next generation of stars at its Lions Den Training Facility, located in Bryan, Texas.

Brazos Christian School
Football Public Address Announcer (Since 2020)
Located in Bryan, Texas, the Brazos Christian Eagles high school football team competes in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS).

Texas A&M University
Commencement Ceremony Name Reader (Since 2020)
Graduation events are held throughout the year at one of the largest institutions of higher education in the world.
I also announce at various other University-affiliated events.

Brazos Valley EDC
Communications Manager (2018-2023)
The BVEDC is the economic development organization serving Bryan, College Station, Brazos County and Texas A&M University. Companies launch, grow and locate in the area with it and its partners assistance.

KBTX Media
Anchor, Reporter, Producer (2004-2017)
From the Brazos Valley and Texas, to Washington and New York City, to Belgium and Afghanistan, clear and concise communication of stories and information to people was my goal.

Steve questions then-candidate Donald Trump after a presidential campaign rally in Dallas. (Bob Daemmrich, Texas Tribune)

Steve and co-anchor Karla Castillo deliver the day's news on KBTX. (Randy Fullhart)

Steve (far left) and the KBTX team accept Texas Associated Press Broadcasters awards, including the Overall Station Excellence Award for all of Texas.

Steve questions then-candidate Donald Trump after a presidential campaign rally in Dallas. (Bob Daemmrich, Texas Tribune)
Since 2017
Media Advisor
The group is working to build the Military Heritage Center in College Station. Watch my half-hour special on the Aggies Go To War exhibit's opening in Belgium here, and learn more about the center's future at From Bastogne to Texas's website.
Since 2016
Board Member
(Board Chairman
for 2019)
United Way of the Brazos Valley brings the community together and finds solutions to change lives. The work seeks to advance education, financial stability and health in the area. Learn more by visiting the United Way website.
Community Advisory
Council Member
JLBCS is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving our community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Learn more at the non-profit's website.
LB is a program of the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce. Every year, thirty-six participants are chosen to learn more about the area. The program fosters development of community leaders. Learn more at the Chamber's website.
Here's a video I shot and edited for the B-CS Chamber of Commerce about the Leadership Brazos program. It showcases my classmates.
I studied at the prestigious Ernie Pyle School of Journalism, which later merged with other schools into the IU Media School. I wrote articles for the student newspaper, anchored sports updates on student radio, and worked on the student TV newscast.
Bachelor's Degree

Warning: Throwback!
My resume tape from college...
Video Editing (Premiere, Vegas, Xpri)
Writing for Broadcast or Web
Shooting Video
Social Media
Microsoft Office Products

As an Air Force brat, I moved nine times before going to Indiana University. I attended three different high schools. The first two were in the United States, and I graduated from an American school in England.

When I was in seventh grade, I made my television debut. I had a sign wishing my grandmother a happy birthday at NBC's TODAY in New York. The weatherperson let me say happy birthday on the air.

I chose Indiana University for three reasons: it was close to family, has a great journalism school and has great sports. IU's men's basketball team went to the national championship game in my sophomore year.

I'm a big fan of David Letterman. Beyond the comedy, my mom's family grew up with the Lettermans. My grandfather was Dave's dad's accountant. My grandmother and Dave's mom were friends. The families attended church together.

Unsurprisingly, with Indiana roots and as a basketball fan, "Hoosiers" is my favorite movie. I was really excited to go to the actual gym that served as the Hickory Huskers' home court in Knightstown, Indiana.

I've covered five U.S. presidents. With George H.W. Bush's library at Texas A&M, I've regularly covered and talked to Bush 41. Twice, I've been with Bush 43 on 43's Crawford ranch. I also covered events with a campaigning Donald Trump.

I'm a big fan of pro wrestling. If a show is in the area, I try to make it. Three times, I've attended a WrestleMania. My favorite wrestler is The Undertaker, who retired in 2017.

My favorite quote is by former Secretary of State and presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan: "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."